
Aerofood ACS Denpasar Overview

PT. Aerofood Indonesia with Aerofood ACS as the trademark. Aerofood ACS being a part of national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia to deliver premium services in class food and beverage products. 
Boasting 40 years of experience as an internationally recognized airline catering provider, Aerofood ACS being a part of national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has maintained its reputation in delivering premium services with best-in-class food and beverage products.
The success of the company stretches back to its establishment in 1974, during which the business was operated under the name PT Aero Garuda Dairy Farm in corporation with Hong Kong based Dairy Farm. Later the business changed its name to PT Angkasa Citra Sarana Catering Service, and in 1991 was operated under the brand ACS (Aerowisata Catering Services).

While propelling its businesses forward, in 2010 Aerowisata Group as the holding company launched a new brand logo to strengthen the images of the company and its subsidiaries. In the same year, PT Aerowisata Catering Services changed its name to PT Aerofood Indonesia with Aerofood ACS as the trademark. The new brand logo indeed shows stronger commitment that breathes out higher spirit to drive the Jakarta based Aerofood ACS to spread its wings wider. Aerofood ACS has operated its branches in Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta and Bandung. Within this year of 2014, Pekanbaru and Lombok branches are slated to commence Aerofood ACS operations.
Currently, Aerofood ACS employs more than 5,500 professionals and is regarded as the leader in its field, with premium quality products and in-flight logistic services delivered to more than 30 international and domestic commercial airlines, as well as catering services to over 20 blue ribbon companies across Indonesia. Combined with the company’s outstanding customer-oriented approach.

Denpasar Branch Location :
PT Aerofood Indonesia
Aerofood ACS Building
Ngurah Rai International Airport
Denpasar 80263
Bali – Indonesia


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